Have you ever read the newspaper and coming across the Al-Ikhsan advertisements, you drooled at the prices of the goods on display? Well, you’ve got to admit that some, if not most of the goods there can be bought for quite a bargain. Some going even as low as RM50 below the average price range. I recently decided to purchase a pair of shoes from Al-Ikhsan after setting eyes upon one of the models that was shown in the newspaper. Well, only RM140 for a pair of Nike shoes…who wouldn’t want it? That was what I thought. I went there on the weekend and saw that particular model displayed on the shelf. When I tried it on, I was so disappointed! It was really hard and uncomfortable. I tried a few more other models that were also going for around that price range, and when I finally found one, I asked the shopkeeper for the other half. I was feeling good. A pair of shoes that weren’t too bad looking and bought for a bargain. The other half came shortly. I was shocked! When I compared both sides, one was yellow while the other was white. The display unit was yellowish, exposed to dusty environment. I asked her for a new pair. Guess what? Last Pair! I went on to enquire about 5 other models. All also is the last pair. How to do now?? No wonder all so cheap. It’s all the last pair and nobody wants it due to its faulty condition. What for pay for something that you’re not happy with? The shopkeeper told me, You want a new one? Here, RM230 plus. Smart advertising. They got me by making me come all the way here. So that means it won’t make any difference if I had went to a Nike or Adidas outlet instead. The ones are almost the same price anyway. I’m talking about quality here.Im really frusterated. Then again, perhaps most of you already realised this. Haha!! Hopefully all of you will not experience this.